Get my deals in orderGet my deals in order

Take control of your deals with a total transaction management solution.

Centralize all your deal activity with Deal Workflow™, then execute in the world’s preferred AI-powered Data Room

Create your own workflows, from deal strategy and preparation through to due diligence, negotiation, closing and post-deal integration

Bring order to your deal processes to boost efficiencies, reduce risk, and elevate your services

Deals aren't meant to be done with spreadsheets, emails and drop boxes

Ansarada Deals is the one platform to replace them all. Deal in a centralized and secure space for end-to-end project visibility and management and control your outcome from the outset

Bring order to every deal

Ansarada Deals works hard in the background to help you stay on track through every stage of the deal. Start preparing for your next deal today using world-class deal tools - for free.
Open a free Data Room

Trusted by 400,000+

advisors, analysts, investors, CEOs, CFOs, startups and more
NEW FOR ADVISORS: Get a quote online in a few minutes   Get a quote now.

More than just a Virtual Data Room


Your competitive advantage

Control the outcome from the outset with end-to-end transaction management in a single, centralized platform.

Data room dashboard

Spin up your own Data Rooms instantly

Be a pioneer and differentiate your services with Ansarada as your deal technology partner. Illustrate your strengths to the market and maximize growth. Spin up your own rooms in minutes, with no risk or cost commitment. Create and present seamless and sophisticated client experiences, each and every deal.

Deal workflow

Streamline deal preparation

Deal Workflow is a project management tool allowing you to digitize all your existing workstreams, so you can have clarity and control from the earliest strategic work. Get your preparation in order, with customizable checklists and templates that can support every stage of the deal lifecycle. Only do the work once - standardize your processes so they can be duplicated & reused over and over again. 

Improve Deal Tracking using Deal Workflow™

Streamline your preparation and due diligence process and complete requests in half the time with our innovative project management features. Ansarada Deal Workflow™ helps coordinate across teams and serves as a single unified space for all actions and interactions between all those involved in the project. Not only can internal teams communicate about the project, but external can contribute too.

Document security

We're big on the detail, so you can go big on the deal

We’ve got your back. From instant import and export features, bank-grade security controls, and remote file document destruct, you can be certain that your deal is under control. In-built Q&A keeps all back-and-forth in the one platform, so you can increase efficiencies and keep track of people, work and progress. Capture it all in real-time reporting and lessen your admin burden.

AI powered redaction

Seamlessly redact 500 documents at once

Bulk AI-redaction

  • Redact 500+ documents simultaneously
  • Elect 30+ customizable search terms to redact at once. There's no limit to how many search terms you can use in your room.  
  • Automated PII and AI pattern recognition 
  • Best-in-class OCR and AI that begins scanning your documents as soon as they are in your document index, not just when you’re ready to redact 
  • Preview, modify and confirm suggested automated redaction edits 
  • Choose whether to save over your original files, or make new copies
  • Receive an excel report detailing the redaction edits that were made 
  • Un-redaction is as simple and quick as unticking a box 
AI bidder engagement score

AI lets you negotiate with confidence

Get the upper hand on negotiations and validate your gut instinct with real data while there’s still time to impact the outcome. With AI bidder engagement, get visibility over what has been opened & viewed, and how engaged your potential bidders are from the get-go. With a 97% hit rate, eliminate time wasted on disengaged bidders, maintain competitive tension, and focus your efforts on those most likely to convert, so you can get the deal done faster.

Always secure file share

Always on & always ready to go

Access your documents and templates at any time post-deal or to put to work on your next deal. Keep your documents, templates and everything else you might need in the platform, always ready, so you are able to start your next deal or work towards your post-deal integration without having to redo all the difficult ground work each time. 

Elevate your end-to-end deal process

Ansarada Deals is an OS solution enabling on-demand delivery, so advisors can drive stronger outcomes through every stage of a client’s company lifecycle.

Keep deals simple

So intuitive, even first-time users will quickly be able to get started without training

Elevate your services

Differentiate your firm by standardizing your deal processes and creating sophisticated client experiences

Your workflow, your way

Customize your own workflows to make all of your deal strategy, preparation and execution processes more efficient

Centralized deal workspace

Get the advantage of a highly secure, efficient, consistent and centralized communication platform to deliver your deal services to clients

Track and report progress

Deal project management tools help monitor progress across multiple projects at every stage, tracked in real time

Why modern dealmakers trust Ansarada


Nothing to pay until the deal goes live

No hidden fees. No overages. Get the quote that is right for you with a click of a button.
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